關于我們  |  聯系我們


來源:熱心網友     時間:2016-11-02     


Section A

Jane, why are you unhappy? 簡,你為什么不高興?

Because I was not allowed to play computer games last night. 因為昨天晚上他們不讓我玩電腦游戲。

It’s bad for your health if you spend too much time on them. 如果你在那上面花的時間太多,會危害你的健康。

Maybe you’re right. 也許你是對的。

(Kangkang shows a model to Jane.)(康康給簡展示了一個模型。)

Look at this. 看這個。

A model rocket! Who made it? 哇!火箭模型!誰制作的?

It was made by me. 我制作的。

Wow! What’s it made of? 哇!它是用什么制作的?

It’s made of metal. Do you know what a rocket is used for? 它是用金屬做的。你知道火箭是用來做什么的嗎?

Sure. It’s used for sending satellites or spaceships into space. 當然知道。它是被用來發(fā)射人造衛(wèi)星或宇宙飛船的。

You’re right. I’ve learned a lot about spaceships from Mr. Brown and then I made this model rocket. I wish I could go into space some day. 你說得對。我從布朗老師那兒了解到了很多有關宇宙飛船的信息,然后我做了這個火箭模型。我希望有一天我也能飛上太空。

I hope your dream will come true. 我希望你的夢想實現。

Section B

Look, a light bulb! 看,電燈泡!

Yeah. It is widely used by people everywhere. Do you know when it was invented? 是的。它被世界各地的人們廣泛使用。你知道它是什么發(fā)明的嗎?

It was invented in 1879. 它是1879年發(fā)明的。

Who invented it? 它是誰發(fā)明的?

Thomas Edison. It’s said that he invented more than two thousand things during his life. 托馬斯·愛迪生。據說愛迪生一生有兩千多項發(fā)明。

What about the radio? 收音機呢?

The radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895. Jane, let’s go this way. Look! An airplane, but it’s different from today’s. 收音機是1895年由古爾亞莫·馬可尼發(fā)明的。簡,我們這邊走???飛機,但是它不同于現在的飛機。

Yes. It was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright in 1903. 是的。它是由萊特兄弟在1903年發(fā)明的。

Section C

An invention may be a new product or a new way of doing things. Inventions come about in many ways. Most of the time, inventions happen because someone works to solve a problem. Sometimes inventions are the result of accidents. Look at your schoolbags. You have pencils, pens, crayons, rulers and some books. None of these things was planted in fields. They were made in factories and invented by someone. Inventing is interesting and exciting and everyone can be an inventor. Do you want to be an inventor? There are a few simple steps to follow in the invention process.


You can have wild and crazy thoughts. Remember that no idea is too silly. Many people laughed at the Wright brothers and said they would never fly. But they weren’t discouraged by what people said. That’s why now we have planes.


Careful planning is important in the invention process. This is the time to brainstorm for ideas and to evaluate them.


Make a detailed drawing of your invention so others will understand how your invention works. 為你的發(fā)明畫一個詳細的圖紙,使他人明白你的發(fā)明是怎樣工作的。

Make a model of your invention. 為你的發(fā)明制作一個模型。

See if your invention works as it is planned. If not, do more research, redesign it, and test it again. 看看你的發(fā)明是否像它被計劃的那樣起作用。如果不是,就做更多研究重新設計,并再次試驗。

Every invention needs a name. 每個發(fā)明都需要一個名字。

Share your inventions with others. 和其他人分享你的發(fā)明。

Section D

Passive Voice (Ⅱ) 被動語態(tài)(Ⅱ)

1. The radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895. 收音機是古爾亞莫·馬可尼在1895年發(fā)明的。

2. When was the digital camera developed? 數碼相機是什么時候被研制的?

3. It was developed in the 1970s. 它是在20世紀70年代被研制的。

4. Where was it developed? 它是在哪里被研制的?

5. It was developed in Japan. 它是在日本被研制的。

6. What is a rocket used for? 火箭是用來做什么的?

7. It is used for sending satellites or spaceships into space. 它是用來發(fā)射衛(wèi)星和宇宙飛船。

Functions 功能

1. I wish I could go into space some day. 我希望有一天我能進入太空。

2. I hope your dream will come true. 我希望你的夢想能夠實現。

3. It’s said that he invented more than two thousand things during his life. 據說他一生中發(fā)明了超過兩千種東西。

4. Inventing is interesting and exciting and everyone can be an inventor.發(fā)明是有趣和令人興奮的并且每個人都可以成為一個發(fā)明家。



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