關(guān)于我們  |  聯(lián)系我們


來源:熱心網(wǎng)友     時間:2016-04-08     



1. common adj. 共同的,普遍的;常見的


in common共有,公用(在句中多作狀語)

have nothing/little/a lot/something in common

(with) sb.與某人沒有/許多/有些共同之處

in common with 和……一樣

common sense/knowledge 常識

common welfare 公共福利

辨析 common/ordinary/usual/normal

common 指“共有的,公共的;共同的;常見的”。反義詞為rare。 common作“普通的”講時可與ordinary換用。如“普通人”也可以說成common people。 ordinary 意為“普通的,平淡無奇的”,指沒有什么特別的地方。 usual 意為“平常的,通常的,一向的”,含慣例之意。 normal 意為“正常的”。

常見例句: Jane and I have nothing in common.

=I have nothing in common with Jane. 我與簡毫無共同之處。

The problems are common toall societies. 這些問題是所有社會的通病。 In common with many young people, he prefers pop songs.和許多年輕人一樣,他喜歡流行歌曲。

He is in ordinary clothes. 他穿著平常的衣服。 We meet every day at the usual place.我們每天在往常那個地方見面。

單項填空 Harry visited the bookstore every week. He became such a customer that the bookseller gave him some books as presents. A.common B. normal

C. usual D. average


由“Harry visited the bookstore every week”可知,他是???,含有“習(xí)慣,慣例”之意,故選C。

2. signal n. 信號;手勢;聲音;暗號 v. 發(fā)信號;用信號傳達;用信號與……通訊

A red light is usually a signal for/of danger.紅燈通常是危險的信號。 He signaled (to) the waiter to bring the menu.他示意服務(wù)員把菜單拿過來。

常用結(jié)構(gòu): signal to sb./sth. for sth. 用信號傳達(某信息);用信號與(某人)通訊 signal with ...用……發(fā)信號

翻譯句子 ①鐵路的紅信號燈亮了,所以火車停下了。①The railway signal was on red, so the train stopped.


②He was signalling with a red flag.

3. sum n. 金額; 款項; 總數(shù); 算術(shù)題

常用結(jié)構(gòu): in sum簡言之; 總而言之 sum up/sum sth. Up總結(jié);概括

He was fined the sum of 200$. 他被處以200美元的罰金。 The sum of 5 and 3 is 8. 5加3的和是8。 To sum up, there are three main ways of solving the problem.概括起來說,這個問題主要有三種解決辦法。

4. arise vi. (arose, arisen)



arise from由……引起;由……產(chǎn)生; 從...中產(chǎn)生

arise out of由……引起;由……產(chǎn)生; 從...中產(chǎn)生

Before they could start a mist arose.在他們動身前, 起了霧。

Smoke arose from the chimney.煙從煙筒冒出來。

How did this quarrel arise?這場爭吵是由于何種原因引起的?

A new difficulty has arisen.出現(xiàn)了新的困難。

Accidents arise from carelessness.疏忽大意往往會引起事故的發(fā)生。

He arose at dawn.他黎明即起。

翻譯句子 ①夜間起風(fēng)暴了。

① A storm arose during the night. ②由于缺乏交流而產(chǎn)生了問題。

② Problems have arisen out of the lack of communication.

5. anyhow adv.(也作anyway)不管怎樣,無論如何;反正;即使如此

拓展 somehow adv. 以某種方式, 用某種方法;不知怎么地 somewhat adv.有點,稍微

He told me not to buy it, but I bought it anyhow.他告訴我不要買它,但不管怎樣,我還是買了。

It may snow, but anyhow I will go to the town.可能要下雪,但無論如何我都要進城。

We must get the work finished somehow by tomorrow morning.我們必須設(shè)法在明天早上以前把工作做完。

Somehow we lost our way.不知怎么地我們迷路了。 My jacket is somewhat like yours.我的夾克與你那件有點相似。

(1)單項填空 —You don’t seem to be quite yourself today. What’s wrong? —Oh, I’m suffering from a cold. Nothing serious, .

A. yet B. indeed C. anyhow D. though (2)完成句子

①我對這個工作有點厭倦了。 I am tired of this work. ②不知怎么地,他害怕她。 he was afraid of her. ③他無論如何也不能使她信服。 He couldn’t convince her .

解析: (1) 選D。此處表達“轉(zhuǎn)折”,意思是“然而”。 (2)①somewhat ②Somehow ③anyhow

6. personally adv. 就個人而言;親自

拓展 personally意為“就個人而言”時的同義短語: in my opinion as far as I’m concerned in my view for my part as far as I can see from my point of view for my perspective The owner of the hotel welcomed us personally. 這家旅館的主人親自接待了我們。 Personally (speaking), I think he is a very good man, but you may not agree. 就個人而言, 我認為他是個很好的人, 但也許你不這么認為。

完成句子 ①She said she didn’t like Tom, but(就個人而言), I thought he was an honest boy, though sometimes careless. ②(幸好), the planes appear to be quite safe. ③(自然地),their ideas are important to everyone in the country. ④ (高興的是) for him, his stepmother was kind to him. ⑤(出人意料的), he failed the exam.


①personally ②Luckily/Fortunately ③Naturally ④Happily


7. goal n. 球門;(進球)得分;目標;目的

常用結(jié)構(gòu): score/kick a goal踢進一球;得一分 keep goal守球門 life goal/one’s goal in life生活目標 achieve/realize one’s goal 實現(xiàn)目標

He headed the ball into an open goal. 他乘虛把球頂入球門

We won by three goals to one.我們以三比一獲勝。

You’d better set a goal before you start.開始前,你最好設(shè)定一個目標。

翻譯句子 ①他已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)了他的目標。 ②我的人生目標是幫助他人。答案:①He has achieved his goal. ②My goal in life is to help others.


8. in a way在某種程度上(表示對情況的態(tài)度)


in a way=in one way=in some ways

in the way 擋道;造成阻礙

in one way 在某方面

in some ways 在某些方面

in no way 決不,無論如何都不(位于句首時構(gòu)成倒裝)

on one's way to在去……的路上

by the way順便說一下

in any way在任何方面

in every way在各方面

give way (to sb./sth.)屈服;讓步

lose one's way 迷路

(there is) no way 不可能;沒門

by way of 經(jīng)過;經(jīng)由

in the way和in one’s way兩個短語含義相同,都含“擋住去路;礙事”之意。 In a way, it’s kind of nice to be studying alone.在某種程度上講,獨自一個人學(xué)習(xí)相當不錯。

單項填空 I can’t see the word on the blackboard. Your head is . A. on the way B. in a way C. by the way D. in the way解析:選D。in the way和in one’s way均表示“擋住去路;礙事”之意。故D項符合句意。

9. go by經(jīng)過;(時間)過去;依照,靠……判斷拓展 go against違背;對……不利 go without勉強維持,湊合;沒有……而將就 go in for愛好;參加;從事 go over復(fù)習(xí);仔細審查 go ahead進行;發(fā)生;(尤指經(jīng)某人允許)開始做 go through通過;經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)受;查看,調(diào)查 go out出去;熄滅 go off離開,出發(fā);爆發(fā),突然響起;停止;熄滅 go up上升 go down下降 He went by his teacher without even a greeting.他從老師身邊經(jīng)過時連聲招呼也沒打。 As time went by/With time going by, he has changed a lot.隨著時光流逝,他已經(jīng)改變了許多。 Don’t go by that old map—it has been out of date.別參照那張舊地圖,它已經(jīng)過時了。 You can’t always go by appearances.你不能總是憑外表來判斷。

用方框內(nèi)所給短語的適當形式填空 go in for/go off/go through/go without ①The new law did not . ②I am an entrance examination next year. ③There’s no money for a holiday this year; we’ll just have to . ④He didn’t wake up even though the alarm .答案:①go through ②going in for ③go without ④went off

10. as a result結(jié)果,因此

拓展 as a result of 由于……;作為……的結(jié)果 as a consequence 結(jié)果 in consequence 結(jié)果 in consequence of 由于 result from由……引起;由于(意思等同于lie in) result in結(jié)果;導(dǎo)致(意思等同于lead to) He made a big mistake, and, as a result, lost his job. 他犯了個大錯,結(jié)果丟了工作。 He didn’t pass the exam as a result of his carelessness.他由于粗心而沒有通過考試。 His success results from his hard work. 他的成功源于自身的努力。 Acting before thinking always results in failure. 做事之前不加考慮總會導(dǎo)致失敗。

(1)單項填空 He fell the bike and broke his leg as . A. down; result B. off; a result C. onto; a result of D. to; a result of

(2)完成句子 ①由于大雪,他遲到了。He was late the heavy snow. ②因此,我們不得不給菜地澆水。 , we have to water the vegetable garden. ③他考試不及格是由于粗心造成的。His failure in the exam his carelessness. ④這場意外事故造成兩人死亡。The accident the death of two people.解析: (1) 選B。fall off意思是“從……上掉下來”;as a result的意思是“因而;結(jié)果”。 (2)①as a result of ②As a result ③resulted from ④resulted in

because of, due to, owing to, on account of和thanks to的用法比較:這一組詞都表示"由于"的意思,在使用時應(yīng)該注意以下區(qū)別: 1.because of意為"由于,因為",強調(diào)因果關(guān)系,在句中僅作狀語,修飾句中的一部分,與其他成分不用逗號隔開。如:We must not get discouraged because of such a minor setback.我們決不可因為這樣一個小小的挫折而灰心喪氣。 2.owing to與because of一樣,也強調(diào)因果關(guān)系,除作狀語外,也可作表語。作狀語時修飾整個句子,可在句首或句末,用逗號隔開。如:They decided to cancel the flight,owing to the storm.由于這場暴風(fēng)雨,他們決定取消這個航班。 His death was owing to an accident.他死于一場事故。 3.due to引出造成后果的原因,在句中作表語、狀語和定語。作表語和狀語時與owing to同義,作狀語時,一般不與其他成分隔開。如:This accident was due to(owing to)his careless driving.這次車禍是由于他開車疏忽大意造成的。 He arrived late due to(owing to)the storm.由于暴風(fēng)雨他來晚了。 Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences.由于疏忽大意造成的錯誤可能帶來嚴重的后果。 4.on account of與because of,owing to同義,但語氣較為正式??勺鳡钫Z、表語,不作定語。如:He could not come on account of his illness.他因病不能前來。 That was on account of lack of exercise.那是由于缺乏鍛煉。 5.thanks to表示"幸虧,多虧"多用于表達正面意思,相當于感謝,在句中作狀語和表語。 Thanks to your advice,much trouble was saved.

11. make up化妝;化裝;捏造,虛構(gòu)(故事,詩等)

拓展 make up for補償 be made up of=consist of由……組成 make for有利于做成某事,有助于做成某事;走向;沖向 make it及時趕到;成功 make it up和解;講和 make known使知曉;傳達 make out理解;懂得;辨認出 She spent an hour making (herself) up before the party.她在聚會前用了一個小時化妝。 Stop making things up! 不要胡編了!

(1)單項填空 In Singapore, a southeastern Asian country, the Chinese people the largest percentage of its population, so you can speak Chinese there. A. make up B. take up C. hold up D. turn up (2)完成句子 ①講究衛(wèi)生有助于身體健康。 Cleanliness good health. ②我們需要50美元以補足所需要的數(shù)目。 We need $50 to the sum required. ③那位經(jīng)理的字跡很難辨認。 It was difficult to the manager’s handwriting.解析: (1) 選A??疾槎陶Z辨析。make up意為“編造,彌補,組成,構(gòu)成”; take up意為“拿起來,占據(jù)(時間或空間)”; hold up 意為“阻止”; turn up意為“開大,調(diào)高,出現(xiàn)”。 (2) ①makes for ②make up ③make out

12. after all畢竟,終究

拓展 at all根本,完全;到底,究竟;既然 not at all一點也不 in all總共,共計 above all首先;最重要的是 first of all首先 all in all總之 Don’t get discouraged by setbacks, we are new to the work after all.別因挫折而灰心,畢竟我們不熟悉這項工作。 He did come after all. 他終究還是來了。

單項填空 ①The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings; , it caused 20 deaths.

A. or else B. therefore C. after all D. besides ②I’d like to buy a house—modern, comfortable, and in a quiet neighbourhood. A. in all B. above all

C. after all D. at all解析: ①選D。由語境邏輯可以推出該空表示“另外,除此之外”,只有D項與句意相符。 ②選B??疾?ldquo;介詞+all”的短語辨析。句意為:我想買一座房子——時尚、舒適,最重要的是社區(qū)要安靜。in all 總共;above all 最重要的是;after all 畢竟;at all根本。 13. deal with處理;安排;對付

辨析 do with/deal with表示“怎樣處理”時,do with常與連接代詞what連用,而deal with常與連接副詞how連用。這兩個短語在意思上有細微的差別。一般來說,do with意為“處置;忍受;相處;有關(guān)”等。 deal with意義很廣,意為“對付;應(yīng)付;處理;安排;論述;涉及;與……打交道/做生意”等。

How are you going to deal with the problem? 你們打算怎樣處理這個問題呢? Such man is difficult to deal with. 這種人不容易相處。 I’ve dealt with him for ten years.我和他做生意已經(jīng)10年了。 This book deals with the Middle East.這本書是關(guān)于中東問題的。 He didn’t know what to do with the property his father had left. 他不知道如何處理他父親留下的財產(chǎn)。 I can’t do with the loud noise. 我無法忍受那種噪音。

單項填空 ①It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows . A. it what to do with B. what to do it with C. what to do with it D. to do what with it ②He knows to deal with man but when he meets women, he doesn’t know to do. A. what; how B. what; what C. how; what D. how; how解析: ①選C。what to do (with it)為固定結(jié)構(gòu),意為“如何處理……”,意思等同于how to deal (with it)。“疑問詞+不定式”作knows的賓語。 ②選C。作“對待,處理”講時,do with 和deal with同義,deal with與how搭配,do with與what搭配。

14. watch over看守;監(jiān)視;照看

Could you watch (over) my clothes while I have a swim?我游泳時你能幫我看著我的衣服嗎? He felt that God was watching over him.他感覺到上帝保佑著他。

watch out (for)當心,注意 watch for sb./sth.觀察;等待 keep a watch on監(jiān)視 under the close watch在嚴密監(jiān)視下

翻譯句子 ①他們等待著進一步的發(fā)展。 ②小心!汽車來了。答案: ①They are watching for further developments. ②Watch out! There’s a car coming.


15. ①so ...that ...意為 “如此……以至于……”。 ②such+ a/an+adj.+單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞+that-clause adj.+復(fù)數(shù)名詞+that-clause adj. +不可數(shù)名詞+that-clause

Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told!隨著時間的推移,我的記憶能力發(fā)展得如此之快,就像一頭大象一樣,我從來不會忘記告訴我的任何事情!

She’s so ill that she can’t get out of bed.她病得很重,都下不了床了。 These are such interesting books that children like to read them. 這些書很有趣,孩子們喜歡讀。

提示 so that既可以表達結(jié)果,又可以表達目的,表目的時相當于in order that。 I stopped so that you could catch up.我停下來以便你能趕得上。 “so ...that ...”結(jié)構(gòu)中的“so+adj./adv.”位于句首時,主句要倒裝。 So hard does he work that he seldom goes home.他工作那么努力,幾乎不回家。 “such ...as ...”中的as引導(dǎo)的是一個定語從句。

單項填空 —What a beautiful day! —Yes, it’s that I’d like to take a walk. A. such nice weather B. so a nice weather C. too nice weather D. nice weather so解析:選A。因為此處weather是中心詞,但它為不可數(shù)名詞,所以不能加冠詞。



It took nearly two hundred yearsbefore I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.

此句是 It+be/take+時間段+before句型






A) 若主句是一般將來時態(tài),從句是一般現(xiàn)在時。



It will be two weeks before everything returns to normal.兩周之后一切才能恢復(fù)正常。

It will be many years before the situation improves.這種狀況或許要過許多年才能得以改善。

It won't be long before we meet again.用不了多久我們就會再見面的。

It won't be 10 years before we catch up with the developed countries.用不了10年我們就會趕上發(fā)達國家的。



It took nearly two hundred years beforeI was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.差不多過了200年后,查爾斯.巴比奇才把我制成了一臺分析機。

It was some time before I realized the truth. 過了很長一段時間我才了解到真相。

It was three years before I realized the importance of English. 過了三年時間我才意識到了英語的重要性。

After that it still took seven years before they got married. 他們又過了七年才結(jié)婚。

It wasn't long before she became a brave solider. 沒過多久她就成了一名勇敢的戰(zhàn)士。


It was an hour before/until the police arrived.

2、 before與情態(tài)動詞can/could連用


Before I could get in a word,he had measured me. 我還沒來得及插話他就為我量好了尺寸。

Before she could move,she heard a loud noise,which grew to a terrible roar.她還沒來得及邁步,就聽見一聲巨響,接著就是可怕的隆隆轟鳴。


We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw lands.我們航行了四天四夜才看到陸地。

We waited a long time before the train arrived. 我們等了很長時間火車才到。

The Civil War lasted four years before the North won.


We hadn't run a mile before he felt tired.我們跑了還不到一英里他就累了。


We had hardly done ...when...did


We had scarcely reached the school before/when the bell rang.我們剛到學(xué)校鈴聲就響了。

=Had we scarcely reached the school before/when the bell rang.

6)用在含有before的主從復(fù)合句中用在含有before的主從復(fù)合句中,一般在從句中使用一般過去時,主句中使用過去完成時。例如: Lily had written some letters before she went out shopping.有時,也可以在從句中用過去完成時,主句中用一般過去時,這樣就可使描述更為生動。試比較: We got to the station before the train had left. 火車尚未開動之前,我們就到了車站。 We had got to the station before the train left. 火車開出之前,我們就已經(jīng)到了車站。像after一樣, before本身就能明確地表示時間的先后關(guān)系,故多數(shù)主從句均使用一般過去時,而無需使用過去完成時。例如:,Many people left for home before the film ended.電影尚未放完,許多人就起身回家了。


by, before, when, until, after 在過去完成時態(tài)中應(yīng)用

7、We had scarcely reached the school before/when the bell rang.有時還有“寧愿”的意思

I'd shoot myself before I apologized to him.我寧死也不向他道歉。

⒈(2009天津)It was evening ________ we reached the little town of Winchester.

A.that B.until C.since D.before

2.(2008全國)Several weeks had gone by ________ realized the painting was missing.

A.as B.before C.since D.when

3.(2008廣東)The America Civil War lasted four years ______ the North won in the end.

A.after B.before C.when D.then

4.(2005山東)It was some time _______ we realized the truth.

A.when B.until C.since D.before

5.(2009四川)-Why didn‘t you tell him about the meeting?

-He rushed out of the classroom _______ I could say a word.

A.before B.until C.when D.after

6.(2010福建)-How long do you think it will be __ china sends a manned spaceship to the moon?

-Perhaps two or three years.

Awhen B.until C.that D.before




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