關(guān)于我們  |  聯(lián)系我們


來源:熱心網(wǎng)友     時間:2016-04-08     



一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的內(nèi)容 (6 分)

( )1. A. three B. tree C. seven

( )2. A. eight B. eat C. egg

( )3. A. how old B. How nice! C.How lovely!

( )4. A. a nice cake B. Your’re late. C. that desk

( )5. A.This is for you. B.Here you are. C. That is for you.

( )6. A. How old are you? B. Where are you?

C. Don’t be late for class again.

二、聽錄音,判斷所聽內(nèi)容是否與圖片相符,相符的寫“T”,不相符的寫“F”, (12 分)

三、聽錄音,給下列句子排序, (8 分)

(  )How old are you ? (  )Where’s my pencil case?

(  )Is this you rubber? (  )Here you are.

(  )This isn’t my chair. (  )Would you like a cake ?

(  )It’s time for the cake. (  )What a nice schoolbag!

四、聽錄音,選擇合適的答句, (12 分)

(  )1. A. I’m LiuTao. B. I’m late.

(  )2. A. This is a toy car. B. I want a toy robot.

(  )3. A. Thank you. B. It’s a nice bird.

(  )4. A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, please.

(  )5. A. It’s in the desk. B. She’s in the library.

(  )6. A. Yes, it’s my ruler. B. Yes, it is.

五、聽錄音,按要求寫數(shù)字, (12 分)

1. 寫出你所聽到的數(shù)字, (4 分)

2. 寫出你所聽到的數(shù)字的后一個數(shù)字, (4 分)

3. 寫出你所聽到的數(shù)字的前一個數(shù)字, (4 分)


六、選出不同類的單詞, (6 分)

( )1. A. three B. tree C. ten ( )2. A. that B. the C. this

( )3. A. cake B. eat C. drink ( )4. A. pen B. ten C. pencil

( )5. A. on B. in C. am ( )6. A. you B. your C. my

七、用英語寫出下列算式的結(jié)果, (6 分)

4 +6 = (  ) 9 -3 = (  ) 7 +2 = (  )

7 -4 = (  ) 2 +6 = (  ) 10 -3 = (  )

八、英漢互譯, (8 分)

1. 多少歲     2. 一個漂亮的蛋糕

3. 上課的時候     4. 給你

5. How lovely!  6. Time for cake.

7. You’re late.   8 make a wish

九、根據(jù)所給情境,選擇合適的句子, (12 分)

(  )1. 你想知道同學(xué)多少歲了,你會說:

A. How old are you ? B. How old are your ? C. I’m seven.

(  )2. 同學(xué)生日聚會上,你會對他說什么祝福的話:

A.How old are you ? B.Happy Birthday to you.

C.This is for you.

(  )3. 同學(xué)問你多少歲了,你現(xiàn)在九歲,你會說:

A. How old are you? B. I’m ten. C. I’m nine.

(  )4. 你告訴同學(xué),現(xiàn)在是上課的時候了,你會說: A. It’s time for class.

B. It’s time for the cake. C. You’re late.

(  )5. 你看到一個非常漂亮的鉛筆袋時,你會說:

A. This is a nice pencil case. B. What a nice pencil !

C. What a nice pencil case !

(  )6. 你想讓同學(xué)許個愿,你會說:

A. Happy birthday. B. This is for you. C. Make a wish.

十、從Ⅱ欄中選出Ⅰ欄的答句, (8 分)

Ⅰ     Ⅱ

(  )1. How old are you ? A. Thank you.

(  )2. This is for you. B. I’m six.

(  )3. Would you like a cake? C. He’s ten.

(  )4. Don’t shout here. D. Yes, it’s my pencil.

(  )5. Is that your pencil? E. Yes, it is.

(  )6. How old is he? F. Yes, please.

(  )7. Where’s my schoolbag ? G. It’s under the desk.

(  )8. Is this a rubber? H. I’m sorry.

十一、看圖完成對話, (10 分)

1、—Happy Birthday. How you?

—I       .

—Make a wish.

—I want a toy .

2. —Where is my ?

—It’s the .

3. —Don’t here.

—I’m .


一、 1. three  2. eat  3. how old

4. that desk  5. That is for you.

6. Don’t be late for class again.

二、1. Happy birthday.   2. —How old are you? --.I’m five.

3. It’s time for the cake.  4. —What’s that over there?

—It’s a chair.   5. Don’t run, Be careful !

6. —Where’s Wang Bing ? —He’s in the tree..

三、1.Here you are.

2. Is this your rubber?

3.What a nice schoolbag!

4. How old are you?

5. Would you like a cake?

6. It’s time for the cake.

7. Where’s my pencil case?

8. This isn’t my chair.

四、1. How old are you?

2. Make a wish.

3. This is for you.

4. Is that your pen?

5. Where’s Helen?

6. Is this your pen?

五、1. 3,9,7,4 (3,9,7,4)

2. 2,9,5,7 (3,10,6,8)

3. 10,6,9,2 (9,5,8,1)



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