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高三英語:once & one的一些常見習語

來源:學大教育     時間:2013-12-22     


once again / once more 再一次

It once again proves that the trend of history cannot be stemmed.


注:不要把once again和once and again混淆,once and again作“再三;好幾次”解,如:

Why did you make this kind of mistake once and again. 你為什么再三犯這樣的錯誤?

once (and) for all 一次了結(jié)地;永遠不再;一勞永逸地

This is not something that can be completed once for all. 這不是件可以一勞永逸的事情。

one and all 全部;大家

I would like to thank you, one and all. 謝謝大家。[常用于對一群人講話的場合]

one and the same 同一個(的);完全一樣(的)

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde were one and the same person. 吉基爾博士和海德先生是同一個人。

one in a thousand 千里挑一的人或物;稀有的人或物

She is one in a thousand. She does her work quickly and conscientously and can always be relied on. 她這個人是極為難得,干活利索認真,又總是那么可靠。

Ultimately, you’ll realize that pleasure and pain can be ______.

A. one and all

B. one and same

C. one and the same

D. one in a thousand


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