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來源:熱心網(wǎng)友     時間:2016-08-24     


(Text 1)

M:Wow! You are much thinner since the last time I saw you.

W:①I amon a diet and exercise daily. So I’ve lost about 5 kilos.

(Text 2)

M:Mycar is broken down.

W: ②I’llpick you up.

(Text 3)

W:Areyou going to join us for lunch, or are you going to eat at your desk again?

M:③I’mafraid I have to stay at my desk.I am up to my neck in work.

(Text 4)

W:④Pleasefasten your belts.We will soon hand out coffees and soft drinks.

M:OK,butcan you tell me how to do it?It is my first time to take a plane after all.

(Text 5)

W:Whata memory I have! I did write down the number on a sheet of paper when Ianswered the phone this morning. But now the paper is missing.

M:⑤Don’tworry. I’ll be seeing Mr. Brown in an hour.

(Text 6)

W:Ineed to do some shopping for the coming Christmas.Isn’t it good to enjoyChristmas gifts with the family?

M:Itsure is.Are you going shopping this afternoon?

W:Yes,Ithink so.I won’t finish doing it until Christmas Eve.

M:⑦Itsounds like you are a last minute shopper.

W:Yeah,Isure am.Hey,why don’t we go to the mall together this afternoon?

M:That’swhat I mean to say.

W:Great!Ihave a really long Christmas list.

M:⑥I’llpick you up at your home.

(Text 7)

M:Goodafternoon,Miss Amy.I’m Mr.Lorford.Please sit down.

W:Thankyou.It’s nice to meet you,Mr. Lorford.

M:Ihave your application here.You are a university student?

W:Yes,I’ma business major.

M:Soyou are interested in working for our company.

W:Yes.⑨Ineed a parttime job,⑧bothfor money and experience.

M:We’llhave an opening for an office staff this summer.

W:Thatwould be wonderful.

M:Areyou computer trained?

W:Yes.Ican handle Windows,Power Point and Excel.Here’s my certificate.

M:Ah,that’svery good.You’ll need some training in our methods,though.Every office isdifferent,you know.

W:Thankyou.That will be very helpful for my future.Also,could you please tell me the salaryrate?

M:Forparttime,maybe around 10 dollarsper hour,but I’d check it with our financialdepartment.

W:Thanksa lot.When do I start exactly?

M:We’lllet you know as soon as possible.Goodbye.


(Text 8)

W:Didyou hear the good news about David? He’s living in Australia now and he lovesit.He started a business and he’s now very rich. It seems it’s so easy to makemoney there.

M:Oh,I haven’t heard the news, but I’m not surprised. David has a sharp eye forbusiness. The grass is always greener on the other side. Do you want to goabroad too?

W:No,but I know for a fact that people in Australia are more wealthy. Where we are,everyone is trying to save money. It’s practically impossible to make moneyhere.

M:That’strue. To tell you the truth, my business isn’t doing well at all. Customersaren’t coming like they used to. I’m really considering selling the businessand starting in another market. Maybe I’m too nervous about these things.

W:Iwouldn’t say that. According to the government, this is the worst time we’vehad in history. They say the best thing you can do is to keep working and tryto wait until things improve.

(Text 9)

M:I’dlike to congratulate you on your wonderful performance.

W:Thankyou very much.

M:Iread about you in the newspaper and decided to come and hear you play.I’vetravelled miles and I’m very glad I made the effort.You played the piano sobeautifully.What are your next plans?

W:Atpresent I’m giving a lot of concerts.Fortunately people want to come and hearme play,but I’m getting very tired of travelling.

M:Whydo you have to work so hard?

W:I’mplanning to start a school,so I’m trying to save as much money as possible.

M:Whatkind of school?

W:Amusic school for disabled children.I think they have the right to receiveeducation just like healthy children.At the moment there are very few suchschools in my country.Unfortunately it will cost a lot of money.

M:ButI think a lot of people will support you,and I’m sure your wish will come true.

(Text 10)

Hello,everyone.So, you’re going to Australia.Well, here are some tips andadvice.First, make sure you get a visa before entering the country.Everytraveler to Australia has got to have one.Second, it’ s a good idea to buy aguidebook and find out as much about Australia as you can before you go.Third,when you’ re in Australia, you might considerstaying in Australian youth hostels; they’ re cheap and a great way tomeet other travelers.Fourth, to get around cheaply, buy a longdistance bus pass.Fifth, remember thatit’ s summer in Australia when it’s winter in our country now.So bring yoursummer clothes.Sixth, it’ s definitely not a good idea to walk around barefootbecause there are a lot of poisonous snakes and spiders in Australia.It shouldbe OK on the beach though. Here’s one last piece of advice:Rememberthat the Australian sun is very strong, so take your sunscreen and hat.



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