關(guān)于我們  |  聯(lián)系我們


來源:學(xué)大教育     時(shí)間:2013-10-10 21:37:43


  6 I’m home.


  學(xué)習(xí)導(dǎo)航:西方人回家時(shí)雖然不用像日本人一樣一定要說“我回來了”,但它仍然是一句常用的話。作為對(duì)它的反應(yīng),你可以說“Welcome home.”(你回來了。)


  A: I’m home.

  B: Welcome back.

  (1)Your hands are sticky.(你的手很臟。)

  (2)Wash your hands immediately.(馬上去洗手

  (3)Are you gonna be late today?(I will be home at the usual time.)

  (4)What time are you coming home?(Around 7 o'clock).

  7Enough with your video games.


  學(xué)習(xí)導(dǎo)航:“enough with…”是一個(gè)命令別人停止做某件事情的祈使句式。它的功能和“stop doing...”等同。


  A: Enough with your video games.

  B: I can’t quit now.



  (1)Don't sit too close to the TV.

  (2)It's bad for you.

  (3)Don’t touch the electrical outlets.

  (4)Don’t touch the electrical outlets.(不要碰電源插座)

  (5)Don’t try to plug/put anything in the outlet.(不要試圖拔或放任何東西在插座里。)

  (6)Don’t touch anything on the stove.(不要碰爐子)

  (7)The oven is very hot\; you could burn yourself.(爐子很燙,你會(huì)燙著自己。)

  (8)Those tools are too sharp\; they’re only for grownups.(

  8. You have a hole in your head!


  學(xué)習(xí)導(dǎo)航:頭上有一個(gè)洞那還得了?“have a hole in one’s head”的真正含義是指人“處事糊涂”,或者“判斷力差”。“have rocks in one’s head”是用來表達(dá)同一意思的另外一個(gè)慣用語(yǔ)。


  A: You have a hole in your head!

  B: Forgive me again!

  9. Hold it down! Papa is sleeping.”


  學(xué)習(xí)導(dǎo)航:“hold it down”表示壓低聲音說話,甚至不要說話。有另外一種比較少用的說法,就是“pipe it down”。

  (1)It looks /smells good.

  (2)Please help yourself to more/anything you like.

  (3)(I think) I've had enough.

  (4)I'm not a big eater/I have a small appetite.

  (5)No, thank you.I'm full.

  (6)No more, thank you.

  (7)Will you please pass the salt?

  (8)May I have some butter,please?

  (9)Will you please clear the table, please?

  (10)No more rice for me.I'm on a diet.

  (11)I am starving to death.

  (12)This meat has gone bad.

  (13)Are you crazy?

  (14)Have you got it?

  (15)I've got it.

  (16)I don't care.

  (17)I guess so.

  (18)I have no other choice.

  (19)I will do my best.

  (20)I mean it .

  (21)I am so scared.

  (22)Stand still. / sit still.

  (23)Don’t use others cup\; you could catch his cold/germs that way.(不要用別人的杯子,那樣會(huì)傳染病菌)

  (24)Don’t play with fire\; it’s dangerous.(不要玩火,危險(xiǎn))

  (25)Wait for the green light before you cross the street.(等綠燈亮了再過馬路)

  (26)Always look both side before crossing the street. (過馬路前一定看兩邊。)


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