關(guān)于我們  |  聯(lián)系我們


來源:學(xué)大教育     時(shí)間:2013-10-10 21:38:45


  Playing toys/games(玩玩具/游戲)

  1Don’t leave toys on the floor where people will step on them.(不要把玩具放在地板上,別人會踩到它們)

  2I’m going to count to ten.(我將數(shù)到十)

  3Let’s pick up the toys and put them back.(咱們把玩具撿起來放回去。)

  4Want to play hide and seek\?(玩捉迷藏嗎?)

  5Ready or not, here I come.(準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?我來了)

  6Please put the toys/books back on the shelf.(請把玩具/書放回架子上。)

  7Want to play outside\?(想出去玩嗎?)

  Bathroom talk(衛(wèi)生間)

  1Do you need to go potty\?(你要去大/小便嗎?)

  2I need to go to the bathroom. (我要上廁所)

  3Don’t unroll the toilet paper.(不要扯手紙。)

  4Don’t use too much toilet paper.(不要浪費(fèi)手紙。)

  5Don’t pick your nose. / Don’t stick your fingers in your nose.(不要用手挖鼻子。)

  6Wipe your bottom.(擦擦屁股。)

  Washing up(清潔)

  1Your hands are sticky.(你的手很臟。)

  2Wash your hands immediately.(馬上去洗手。)

  3Look at the mess you’ve made.(看看你弄的。)

  4You need to have a bath.(你得洗個(gè)澡了。)

  Finding out(發(fā)現(xiàn)問題)

  1What’s happened\?(發(fā)生什么事了?)

  2What’s the matter\?(怎么了?)

  3Way are you crying\?(為什么哭?)

  4Don’t worry.(不要擔(dān)心。)

  5Everything’s fine.(一切都會好的。)

  6There’s nothing to be scared of.(沒什么可怕的。)

  7Are you feeling better now\?(你現(xiàn)在感覺好些嗎?)

  8We’re right in the next room.(我們就在旁邊的屋子)


  1Don’t interrupt daddy/mommy.(不要打斷媽/爸說話)

  2Don’t bother me while I’m on the phone.(我打電話時(shí)不要搗亂。)

  3Are you going to apologize\?(你準(zhǔn)備道歉嗎?)

  4You need to share your toys with your sister.(你應(yīng)該與妹妹分享玩具。)

  5He had that toy first.(他先拿到的玩具。)

  6This toy doesn’t belong to you.(這個(gè)玩具不是你的。)


  1Stop doing that.(停下)

  2We need to discuss this.(我們需要檢討一下。)

  3Good girls/boys don’t do/say things like that.(好孩子不那樣做(說)。)

  4You’re part of a family, and you can’t think only about yourself.(你是家庭的一員,你不能只想到自己。)

  5Don’t argue me about this.(不要再和我爭論了。)

  6I’m going to count to three, and if you don’t have the toys picked up by then …(數(shù)到三你不收玩具,我就。。。)

  7No more discussion, you’re going to bed now.(沒有商量的余地,你必須現(xiàn)在上床。)

  8Don’t raise your voice at me!(不要對我提高嗓門!)

  9That’s a rude way to speak.(那樣說話不禮貌/粗魯。)

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